January 31, 2022

January 2022 - Destruction, Birthdays and snowstorms


When you get some friends over for dinner and kinda spontaneously start taking down walls with them, right...

Blurry worker-Romy

Playing with salt-dough.

Celebrating an eight year old!

Getting some deer meat and bones from the neighbors in a snowstorm...

...and afterwards some games and kanelbullar.

December 31, 2021

December 2/2


On our way to cut a tree...

Our neighbors had to butcher one of their rabbits and since they had too strong feeling left for it, they gave it to us. Lucky us! (I, Chrissie, grew up eating rabbit around Christmas.)

A walk before the big Yule-feast.

Ottchen (aka Otto)

We made sun-bread, isn't she cute :)!!

Romy, happy to finally be able to use her ski!

And the last picture, some last-minute christmas/new years card making!

December 27, 2021

December 1/2

Sick days...

Counting down to Midwinter

Ice slide fun.

And then the snow came!

And disappeared again...

Homeschooling/Free learning...

...clothes optional :)

October 31, 2021


Rosehip for rosehip-ketchup!

We found lot's of winter mushrooms for the first time!

We started making fermented porridge, inspired by Alison from Ancestral Kitchen. It's really good, though the kids are not convinced yet...

Not sure what they did there, but I like the picture :).

In the end of October Goldie moved in with us, because she had lost her mum and it was starting to get cold and the rest of the group wasn't very kind to her. We plan to keep her a couple of days inside so she can grow a bit stronger until she gets back to the others.